Free Zones

Secondhand smoke (SHS) is also called environmental tobacco smoke(ETS). It’s a mixture of 2 forms of smoke that come from burning tobacco. In Sri Lanka, second-hand smoke exposure in the home remains a significant problem—despite recent laws prohibiting public smoking. Particularly at risk are women and girls are who inevitably inhale second-hand smoke due to the high prevalence of male household members’ tobacco use.

Based on this background, the NATA has taken the initiative in carrying out island wide programs, on establishing “Tobacco Free zones”. PHIs are the main coordinators of each MOH for establishing tobacco-free zones.  The initial workshops among District Superior Public Health Inspectors (SPHI-D) on this regards was held, in October 2015 and series of workshops for each district have been conducting since November, 2015.  Community level meetings of Kandy and Matale Districts was held on 17th, 18th, 24th and 25th . 

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